martedì 6 settembre 2011


Life in Cortona

It is technically day 2 in Cortona, Italy and already I love it.  This place is incredibly beautiful.  We arrived here yesterday from Florence where we spent the last (almost) four days.  Artwork seemed to appear from the walls and around every corner in Florence.  It was wonderful, but I'm happy to finally be in Cortona.  When we got off the bus everyone collectively screamed at the view and then we proceeded to walk up the really large hill on the way to our restored convent dorm.  Today they led us around the city and it is really cool to live in a place that's ancient.  Cortona is a medieval walled city with tons of history everywhere.  We went into a little art gallery and in the front room contained an old Etruscan well and there were goldfish swimming around inside.  All of the places we found had some hidden treasure, whether it was handmade pasta shaped like a porcupine, milk-free meringue cookies, a fortress on the top of the hill, or the house from "Under the Tuscan Sun" which was based on Cortona!  Who knew!  I also learned how to play Bocci ball.